can be defined as a feeling or an intense feeling of attraction towards
someone or something, it is an unplanned sensational that link one's
emotion towards another. This feeling can be very convenient and it can
be convincing. when you love or fall in love with someone or something,
you realize that you can partially do without them, and there are
different types of love;
- Eros or Erotic bond: Eros is a Greek word for Erotic is sexual or passionate love, and is the type that is most popular to our modern construct of romantic love. Unlike English, in which the word love means many different things, Ancient Greek had four words to describe the range of meaning that our word love conveys. The first word is eros, from which we get the English word erotic. Eros was the word often used to express sexual love or the feelings of arousal that are shared between people who are physically attracted to one another Eros love is exhibited by couple who are married to each. But due to the evolutionary trend and great civilization that has rounded things, this type of love is also exhibited by Unmarried individuals. Eros has also been contrasted with Logos, or Reason, with Cupid depicted as a blindfolded child. or two people holding hands
- Eros is very close to death. And both things, in a way, balance each other. Isabel Allende
Read more at: is very close to death. And both things, in a way, balance each other. Isabel Allende
Read more at: is very close to death. And both things, in a way, balance each other. Isabel AllendeAgape or Unconditional 'God' love: Agape (Ancient Greek ἀγάπη, agápÄ“) is a Greco-Christian term referring to "love: it is the highest form of love, charity", and "the love of God for man and of man for God" and it is a referred to as Divine Love. it's a motivation for action that we are free to choose or reject typically defined as the “self-sacrificing love.” It is believed that this is the type of exhibited by Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary, Roman 5:6-10
Read more at: - Philia or Friend bond:
Philia can be described as a brotherly love, it is unsanctioned
feeling towards one another, it can be the love shown to our neighbors
or our customer, or maybe workmates, Classmates and Colleagues in the
church, philia transforms eros from a lust for possession into an
impulse for philosophy.
4. Storge or empathy bond: It is the common or natural empathy, like that felt by parents for offspring. Rarely used in ancient works, and then almost exclusively as a descriptor of relationships within the family.People in the early stages of a romantic relationship often expect unconditional storge,
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