According to the story shared on Facebook by Uchechukwu,a man was allegedly killed by Fulani men while coming back from market in Lafia. They allegedly robbed the deceased and others before killing him. Below is what he wrote.... 'The stubborn once who are yet to believe. The quiet notice is no joke. The young man below was coming back from BDA 'barkiladi' market in lafia and the unknown & unique fulani men with Ak47 stopped them all and ask the IGBOS TO SEPARATE FROM THE GROUPS AFTER RUBBING THEM THE WHERE ASKED TO LAY DOWN ON THE HIGH WAY JUST A STONE THROW TO THE MILITARY CHECK POINT. AS I AM SPEAKING NOW TWO DIED INSTANTLY WHY THREE OTHER DIED ON THE 29TH OF JUNE 2017 TO COMFIRM THESE GO TO Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital Lafia OR CALL ANYBODY AT LAFIA NOW They have commence the killing already at LAFIA THE CAPITAL OF NASARAWA STATE. NB: @DellysonOnline is not an eyewitness to this story but a story shared by a FB user see photos...
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